The worlds of digital art, technology and electronic music meet during Lumen Festival to create an experience blurring the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds.
Let your senses guide you into the universe of Lumen.
Created by Produkt in 2012, Lumen is an annual festival held across NYE week where digital art, technology and electronic music meet to create an experience blurring the boundaries between real and virtual worlds.
Enter a world of sound and light and let your senses guide you into the cryptic universe of Lumen.
In 2022, Lumen Festival will be held on the historic site of New City Gas, located at 950 Ottawa Street, in Montréal (Griffintown).
Each year, Lumen Festival hosts a diverse range of audio-visual programming, driven by internationally-renowned artists, and showcasing rising local talent in its production, experiential media, and performances.
In 2022, Louis The Child (USA), Deadmau5 (CAN), and Loud Luxury (CAN) will each headline a date of programming, with support from Bleu Clair (IDN), Kasablanca (CAN), Westend (USA), Callie Reiff (USA), and Twinsick (USA).
Opening a portal between real and virtual worlds, the 0x NFT Gallery will present an exhibition by Australian artist Raoul Marks. A two-time Emmy award winner, his work explores a future where fiction is an integral part of reality.